Nick Jones

iOS Developer



Here you can get some super basic info about me but if you'd like to know more about my professional history check out my work experience page

What do I do?

I build software with a user-first design mindset above all else.

How a piece of software both looks and feels are key in building something that's loved.

How long have I done it?

I've been an iOS developer since 2015; starting with very humble beginnings as the sole (but very much junior) developer for digital publishing startup ReadBug before moving on to money transfer startup SimbaPay

I've since worked in a number of larger companies including both Premier Inn and PhotoBox where I've helped build the apps from their basic initial releases to their now mature states

ReadBug's Version 2 update for our funding campaign

What's next?

I'm currently working on a number of side-projects which you can check out over on my personal projects page

If you'd also like to know more about my professional history you can find a whole load of info on my work experience page

With all of this in mind I always have my eyes open for interesting new opportunities. I have a strong preference around design heavy software so please feel free to reach out on LinkedIn if you'd like to get in contact